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Traumas, complicated with the injury of blood vessels are the most grave situations in traumatology. Occurrence rate of such complicated traumas increased two or three times within past decade. The experience of angiographic evaluation of blood vessels injuries is represented in this article. 208 patients with vascular injuries underwent angiography within the period since 2003 till 2006. There were 177 men and 31 women. Angiographic findings were: false aneurism (pseudoaneurism) in 38% of cases, arteriovenous communication (fistula) in 7,2% of cases, occlusion of arterial lumen in 28,8% of cases, soft tissue hematoma in 6,2%, full transversal rupture of vessel in 1,5%, intimal dissection in 0,96% and absence of angiographic findings in 17,3% of cases. Angiography is the most informative diagnostic option in vascular trauma, which provides the possibility to determine the most optimal treatment option immediately.



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Article is devoted to the analysis of life, scientific and practical activities of professor Leonid Semenovich Zingerman - one of pioneers in diagnostic and interventional radiology in Russia, the founder of scientific and practical school in the sphere of diagnostic and interventional radiology in urgent situations. The article shows the role of professor Zingerman in development of radiological and diagnostic interventions in cardiac surgery neurosurgery, abdominal surgery and gynecology on the base of Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery (1958-1977) and Scientific and Research Institute of emergency medicine (1977-1992). (АНГИОЛОГИЯ.ру) - портал о диагностике и лечении заболеваний сосудистой системы